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Happy Halloween! Spooky lingerie shoot

Happy Halloween lingerie lovers!!! Sorry for the lack of posts, it's been a very busy month with school and I've finally just recovered from a huge wave of assignments. Just in time for one of my favourite holidays! I don't have plans tonight, but I did shoot a delightfully spooky series for the season. I rarely get the chance to shoot Halloween stuff because of midterms, or because shooting plans have fallen through, but I'm glad I got to get some seasonal photos!

Claudia Kielb and I shot some gruesome Little Red Riding Hood shots where Little Red has just severed the head off of the wolf and is covered in his blood. I've never worn or shot in fake blood so that was a lot of fun. Claudia brought the accessories and I paired the look with a vintage slip from Gigi's House of Frills for a sexier look. And very on-brand! I also did my hair and makeup for this shoot and I had a lot of fun creating a warm look with lots of reds and purples.

Let me know what you think of these shots and have a happy Halloween!!


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