I know it's a bit early but we're coming up to one of my favourite holidays -- Halloween! While I haven't had the opportunity to celebrate it much over the past few years with school and work, I still love it and enjoy the spooky aesthetic of the holiday. I know a lot of people love Halloween as well and I thought that I'd round up a list of Halloween-themed items I enjoyed and thought other people would too!

While I shared this piece in passing in my post about Sugar Lace Lingerie a few weeks ago, I thought it was worth mentioning here because it's so dang adorable. They do a Halloween capsule collection every year during the season and the items are limited edition. I believe they went up a few weeks ago at the end of August and they'll only be available until Halloween. Sugar Lace Lingerie is also doing more Halloween items this year, which I'm really excited about! They currently have a knicker, cami, and harness available in the Halloween collection, but the bodysuit is my favourite. It features the most of that adorable spooky print, which I love. The art really reminds me of Halloween costumes and art about Halloween from the 1920s and 30s and I love the cute retro throwback.
Spiders and Webs dress by Sarsparilly

So this item doesn't technically exist yet and is on pre-order, but this dress and the other Halloween styles by Australian repro brand, Sarsparilly are too cute not to share! These dresses are very limited for the season and can be pre-ordered to be made sometime before Halloween so if you like them, you should definitely get one because they won't be around very long. Sarsparilly dresses are incredibly adorable with the most amazing prints, and while the pink Spider and Webs print is my favourite (picture of the print below), there are so many other adorable prints in this collection for every style. I like how a lot of them are still kitschy and retro and true to the playful nature of the brand.

The pink spiderweb print is my favourite of this collection because 1) I love pink 2) I love a good spiderweb print and 3) you very rarely see pink and spiderwebs put together. Sometimes you want to be cute and spooky, you know? I can't wait to see what these adorable dresses look like once they've been made!
Earrings by Revere Folie

These cuties aren't available yet but were part of an Instagram contest that Australian brand, Revere Folie did for their Halloween collection. The design is by Instagram user @e_b0nyk8 and they're just too cute! I love the adorable little cats (I'm a big cat lover) and the graveyard all done in black along with the hoop while we get a pop of colour from the moon with the little bats in it. Revere Folie does a lot of these interesting designs where they play with negative and positive space in different and interesting ways. They also give me retro vibes because they use mock bakelite in their designs, or at least it reminds me of bakelite, and a lot of their designs lend themselves well to vintage and vintage style clothing. They're very popular in the pinup community and the imagery they use for their jewellery is reminiscent of art and trends from the 1920s-50s (depending on the style)!
Latex Lingerie by Cinched Tight

I do own a Halloween themed set and I talked about it in my post about Canadian lingerie brands I love so I figured I wouldn't focus on just that set for this post. But I do always get questions about that set whenever I post pictures of it, but Cinched Tight makes other amazing Halloween themed products that I also adore! One of them being their gorgeous latex and spiderweb fabric print lingerie set. This set is fairly limited edition and it comes in other colours like green and red and it's made to order. They only make a handful of these sets and other Halloween lingerie sets every year and I think latex items are becoming even more limited. These are truly-stand out pieces and just so unique. Cinched Tight truly has that spooky aesthetic down pat and all their Halloween pieces are just on point.

I love this latex dress too with the spider web print but it looks as though the order date has already passed on this beauty. I thought I'd share it anyway because it's so pretty!

Vintage Inspired by Jackie is another brand that's very big in the pinup community and I'm sure a lot of you have seen their bunny suits on plenty of pinup gals (myself included!) but earlier this year they released their absolutely amazing spiderweb robe that's perfect for Halloween! If I recall correctly, I first started seeing this on Jackie's Instagram in the spring, and it's been pretty popular since. It's based on designs from the 1940s and it's just perfectly glamorous and goth. I honestly can't get enough of spiderweb prints and motifs and this robe made my heart skip a beat when I first saw it. Like everything else Jackie makes, these are made-to-order and they take a long time to make as you could imagine. I can't even imagine how long it takes to line up the satin pieces that create the web and sew in the sheer silk organza. The end result is so worth all that work put into it though, these robes are so gorgeous. And they come in a baby pink for folks who prefer lighter colours or maybe already have the black!

I honestly can't say which one is my favourite, they're both so lovely. Like I said above, I really like pink with anything Halloween themed or kind of spooky because it does tone it down a bit and makes it more wearable. I also just really like baby pink. All I know is I'd definitely like at least one of these in my wardrobe!

One of my favourite Halloween collaborations has to be the Ben Cooper x Micheline Pitt for Vixen line that I and many other retro-loving gals are obsessed with. Vixen by Micheline Pitt launched last year and is run by former Pinup Girl Clothing creative director, Micheline Pitt. The line is "good things for bad girls" and draws inspiration from the 1950s bad girl aesthetic and even features fetish imagery on dresses and skirts. Pitt has also launched La Femme en Noir, a part of Vixen that focuses on more gothic styles with beautiful laces and glamorous silhouettes along with Bad Girl Denim, another subdivision of Vixen that creates vintage inspired jeans. The Ben Cooper collaboration is really fun because there really isn't anything more Halloween than Ben Cooper, a company that capitalized on the holiday from the 1950s-80s by being the top manufacturer of costumes and masks. Ben Cooper's masks became synonymous with Halloween from the 50s-70s and featured a variety of monsters, and a mask of Richard Nixon. My favourite piece from this collaboration has to be the striped mask swing skirt featured above because I love the beautiful detail that can be seen on each mask and the way all the colours look together. But everything from the collection is beautiful and very limited, so place your order before they're gone!
Spider Web Bathing Suit by Rebel Love

Rebel Love only launched last year but they've really made a name for themselves quickly. The brand is run by Elle Rebel and Kassandra Love and is based out of Toronto. Rebel is the owner of Rosie the Rebel Boutique, a company that sells vintage reproduction clothing from brands all over the world and has two brick-and-mortar shops along with their online store. Love is a prominent Canadian pinup and alt model who has modelled for Toxic Vision and Jessica Louise and has been published in a number of magazines. The brand has gained traction on social media and has become popular in the pinup scene and is sold by Pinup Girl Clothing. I've never been particularly interested in swimwear but this piece is just too adorable not to mention. It's on the Rebel Love Facebook page but I don't currently see it on their website but hopefully it comes back soon! It's the perfect retro gothic piece to wear to the beach while you slather on sunscreen and actively avoid the sun. I love the retro design of this piece and the details on the swimsuit make it look like a true-vintage piece. I also love the asymmetry of the spiderwebs on the suit and I think it makes the design more interesting overall.

Probably one of the cutest year-round but perfect for Halloween accessories has to be the giant bedazzled bone clip by Jocie Valencia. There are quite a few bone clips and other similar items floating around on the market, but these have to be my favourites. Maybe it's because they appeal to my soft grunge days on Tumblr in 2011/2012? Maybe because Valencia makes them look so retro and glam in her photos? Whatever it is, these are a must-have for the season and they come in a variety of sizes, but the giant clip at 5 1/2" is my favourite. It's such a statement piece and oh-so sparkly! But if the giant clip is too big for you, they also come in mini sizes in pink and diamond. They're made to order and are shipped out quickly. I've purchased from Valencia's Depop shop before and shipping is quite fast.
Cat Crop Top and Knickers by Knickerocker

I have likely mentioned this already on this blog, but I'm a pretty big cat lady so anything with a cat motif or theme absolutely delights me. Especially black cats who are unfairly associated with bad luck and are often abused on or around Halloween (those of you who have black cats, keep them inside in October!). They're absolutely adorable and I was so charmed when I came across this ridiculously cute crop top and knicker set by UK company Knickerocker. THEY HAVE LITTLE EARS ON THEM!!!! This could even be a Halloween costume to be honest. I just can't get over the whimsy of this set, and while I love the black cat set, Knickerocker makes this set with all sorts of other animals that are just as cute. Knickerocker is made-to-order and can be made for anyone who wants them, masculine presenting folks included. I love brand inclusivity and I think Knickerocker is doing great things and making the cutest sets!

Scottish-based Dollydripp makes quite a few Halloween themed items, but the babydoll and shorts set has to by my favourite of their selection. It's the perfect little 60s inspired nightwear set that looks as comfortable as it is adorable. I just love the little spooky pumpkins, bats, and skulls that cover the pieces and the sweet orange bows on both. Dollydripp focuses on creating vintage-inspired designs with modern elements inspired by current runway trends. I think this brand is great because their designs are still pinupy but are different from a lot of the pinup and vintage reproduction clothing on the market. Their designs are a little edgier and I think that's what I love most about this babydoll set -- it's sweet and cute but with a bit of an edge. Dollydripp's designs are made-to-order and can take a few weeks due to high volume during the Halloween season so this is a set you should get early!

I really can't not love anything that has cats on it and this adorable set by Purrfect Pineapples really speaks to me as a lover of Halloween and as a crazy cat lady. I mentioned the brand in my post about Canadian lingerie brands I love along with Cinched Tight, but as a refresher, they're a fully vegan lingerie company that focuses on whimsical designs often featuring cartoons (like Sailor Moon!), animals, food and lots of ruffles and bows. I've had my eye on the pink Sailor Moon three-piece set for quite a while now and now I can add this sweet and spooky Halloween set to my wishlist! This set is absolutely adorable and very limited edition because there isn't a lot of the kitty and pumpkin fabric available. The sad thing about this set is that once it's gone, it won't come back either because of the limited run of the print. But Purrfect Pineapples can make custom sizes if you email them or message them on Etsy at checkout or prior to purchasing, and they can even make a garter belt to go with this set!
Let me know what you think of this list in the comments! Did I miss anything? Let me know!
#halloween #sugarlace #sugarlacelingerie #bodysuit #bodysuit #Sarsparilly #dress #earrings #reverefolie #lingerie #cinchedtightcorsets #cinchedtight #latex #latexlingerie #cinchedtightlatex #vintageinspiredbyjackie #robe #spiderweb #spiderwebrobe #michelinepitt #vixen #vixenbymichelinepitt #bencooper #bencooperxmichelinepitt #skirt #rebellove #rosietherebel #kassandralove #jocievalencia #dollfluff #dollfluff #knickerocker #dollydripp #babydoll #nightwear #nightwear #purrfectpineapples #canada #canadian #Canadianlingerie