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Lusting After... Amanda Fatherazi

While Bustles & Bullets may primarily be a lingerie blog (because I like writing about lingerie), I'd like to dive into other types of fashion and accessories that I enjoy and that I think are relevant to maintaining a glamorous lifestyle. Really, my blog is to discuss beauty in the things I find and to share it with the folks who read it.

One of my favourite artists is Amanda Fatherazi, a British boudoir doll and pin maker and a jack-of-all-trades. I first discovered Amanda's work on Instagram ages ago because her pins are very popular in the pinup community. I quickly became obsessed with the little fabulous ladies she created, all of whom share crimson lips, luscious lashes, coiffed hair, and are all-around pinup goals.

Amanda Fatherazi's petite Marilyn Monroe doll

Fatherazi began making boudoir dolls in 2006 with her skills in couture embroidery and her brand was recognized as a Liberty Best of British in 2009, the first winner of the competition. The Best of British is put on by retailer, Liberty London, to search and support new talent in the UK. Since her win, Fatherazi's career took off drastically and she collaborated with a number of other artists including Liberty London, Charlotte Olympia, milliner Benoit Missolin, and US lingerie brand, Morgan Lane.

Amanda Fatherazi X Charlotte Olympia Rapunzel shoes (FW13)

I'm a big fan of Charlotte Olympia, their designs have a retro whimsy that deeply resonates with me and I'd love to own some of their shoes and bags one day. Olympia and Fatherazi collaborated on two incredible collections, La vie en Rose (SS13), a Parisian inspired collection, and Once Upon a Time (FW13) which drew upon classic fairytale imagery. I haven't been able to find pictures of the pieces from the first collection, but the Once Upon a Time collection is as magical as the stories it's based off of. These pieces are truly magnificent and combine the best elements of Olympia's and Fatherazi's aesthetics. I can't get enough of the gorgeous braided "hair" on the Rapunzel shoes. The collection also features Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty and I'll post more of them below.

Amanda Fatherazi X Charlotte Olympia Little Red Riding Hood clutch (FW13)

Amanda Fatherazi X Charlotte Olympia Sleeping Princess shoes (FW13)

My other favourite collaboration Amanda Fatherazi has worked on (and is more relevant to the content I post on this blog) is the work she did and continues to do with American lingerie and loungewear designer, Morgan Lane. I am a little heartbroken that they didn't make a bra or bralette to go with the knicker or suspender belt they created, but hopefully they will for the upcoming collection for FW17 that was mentioned on Amanda's website. The collection mostly consists of luxurious silk sleeping masks and pyjamas, one pair black and white stripes and the other with green and white stripes, each adorned on the pocket with a mini mask designed by Fatherazi. The collection came out for FW 16 and is limited, although Lane's website says that they restocked some items on July 1st. Despite that, some sizes are sold out.

Amanda Fatherazi X Morgan Lane Suspender belt and pins

Amanda Fatherazi X Morgan Lane peacock sleeping mask

Amanda Fatherazi X Morgan Lane peacock pyjamas (these ones are blue!)

I would absolutely love to get my mitts on an Amanda Fatherazi pin or (perhaps that fabulous suspender belt and brief as they seem to be available), but they're hard to come by. Fatherazi's online store is sold out and sells out frequently due to high demand for her adorable designs. I've never managed to pick one up on time, but following her on Instagram seems to provide a decent insight into when and how one can buy her pins. It looks like quite a few are in production right now! Hopefully I and other fans have some luck buying a little glamour girl soon!

What do you think of Amanda Fatherazi? Let me know in the comments!


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